01 -
Turn the oven to 300°F (150°C) and get a baking sheet ready with some parchment paper.
02 -
Whip the egg whites along with cream of tartar in a big bowl until you hit stiff peak consistency.
03 -
In a different bowl, mix the egg yolks, blended cottage cheese, salt, and, if you're adding it, honey or sweetener.
04 -
If you're using cornstarch, fold it into the yolk mixture carefully until the texture is smooth.
05 -
Gently fold the stiff egg whites into the yolk mix, making sure to keep the mixture light.
06 -
Carefully blend in the blueberries so they’re evenly dispersed.
07 -
Drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto the parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake for 25–30 minutes, or until lightly golden.
08 -
Allow the baked pieces to cool down a bit before serving.