01 -
Warm your oven to 425°F. Whip up the white gravy by mixing butter and flour together first, then slowly pour in milk while stirring until it gets thick. Add salt and pepper to taste.
02 -
Brown the sausage in a pan and drain off the fat. Whisk the eggs and cook them in a separate pan until just set.
03 -
Coat your sheet pan with melted butter. Arrange 6 tortillas around the edges and put 2 in the middle, making sure they go into the corners.
04 -
Spread gravy on the bottom, then add layers of cooked sausage, scrambled eggs, diced peppers, sliced onions, and cheese. Lay the last tortillas on top and fold any hanging edges toward the middle.
05 -
Brush the top with butter and place another sheet pan on top. Pop it in the oven for 20 minutes, then take off the top pan and bake another 5 minutes until it's golden brown.