01 -
Heat your oven to 350°F. Give a 7x11-inch baking dish a good spray with cooking oil.
02 -
Cut the rolls in half across the middle, put the bottom pieces in your dish. Drizzle 2 tbsp of the melted cowboy butter over them.
03 -
Spread the scrambled eggs, cooked sausage, crumbled bacon, and cheese in even layers.
04 -
Place the top halves of rolls back on and brush them with another 2 tbsp of the melted cowboy butter.
05 -
Cover the dish with foil and pop in the oven for 15 minutes until the cheese gets all melty. Then take the foil off and cook another 3-5 minutes till the tops turn golden.
06 -
While still hot, brush the sliders with what's left of your cowboy butter or just put it in a bowl for dipping.